As previously posted, the Diabetes Care Support Service (DCSS) Quality improvement audit of primary care has now closed data collection and service delivery after more than 20 years in the community. This is obviously huge for our organisation and the people involved. In a previous post we thanked those involved:
"We wish to offer our sincere thanks to all those who participated. Whether they be patients, practice staff, or others such as contract and funding managers. We also wish to acknowledge the extraordinary efforts of our team past and present, the auditors collecting the information at practice level, and the staff in the office entering and analysing data, those who take the information back to the practice for them to use. Appreciation is also expressed to the DCSS Executive group who provided professional guidance and clinical oversight and continue as needed in consultation roles re usage of the data".
We'd like however to take the opportunity to express our appreciation more specifically to the members of the team who were active carrying out the day to day work during the time leading up to and during the winding down. So, to Patricia (Data Manager), Malaki (Data entry), Meryl (Auditor), Helen (Auditor), Eileen (Advisor/Policy), and Kate (Clinical Advice) we salute you!
Below is a picture of some who attended a morning of celebration and reflection, and also photos from the Audit over the years (from after 2000 only and not in particular order). Unfortunately we don't have photos of all past team members over the time however there are plenty of familiar faces. Note that some people had more than one role at a time or transferred to different roles within the organisation during their time with us.