Poster New DPT Research - South Auckland Women's Knowledge and behaviours around GDM
This qualitative research has been carried out by DPT team members to look at where women get their information about gestational diabetes (GDM), what that information/ knowledge is made up of, and what barriers and enablers there were to them using it. Nine women were interviewed and themes were identified from the data collected. See the summary poster (presented at the NZSSD conference) attached for more detail about the research and findings....
April 19, 2013Poster - Development of resource material for behaviour change
Nutritionist Diana Anderson presented this poster around development of material in 'game' format for the Cook'n Kiwi game. Poster describes the process and importance of collaboration with colleagues and users....
December 2, 2012Annual Activity Report - April 2011-March 2012
Diabetes Projects Trust Annual Report for the 2011-2012 year. Note some formatting issues with this document....
October 17, 2012Publication - DCSS - Article on Gout in patients with Diabetes
Letters to the Editor article published in Rheumatology from a collaborative effort utilising DCSS data to look more into gout in people in Auckland with Diabetes or Pre-Diabetes. The aim of the study was to look at the prevalence and clinical factors among the patients audited as part of the DCSS Quality Improvement Audit across Auckland....
April 30, 2012DCSS data used by the CMDHB Māori Gout Action Group
The title of the article is "Gout: An alarm bell for diabetes and cardiovascular disease". The Māori Gout Action Group (MGAG) looked at myths and the current situation to look at "outing Gout" and bringing management into the current century. National data was used, as well as data collected using a newly developed set of questions from the DCSS Primary Care audit. The article is published in the Best Practice Journal, Issue 37, August 2011. ...
August 26, 2011Presentation ADS/ADEA 2011 - GDM in CMDHB and where to from here?
Research Fellow Sasini Wijayaratna was employed by DPT to investigate and report on the situation around Gestational Diabetes in the CMDHB Region. Dr Wijayaratna carried out a review of the available evidence, talked to stakeholders, worked in clinics and with women with Gestational Diabetes and put together a comprehensive report covering prevalence, risk factors, screening, consequences, local management, follow-up, prevention strategies and recommendations. She also carried out a retrospectiv...
July 20, 2011Report into GDM in CMDHB - DPT Research Fellow Sasini Wijayaratna
A report into Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in the CMDHB area by Research Fellow Sasini Wijayaratna has been completed. Dr Wijayaratna has held the fellowship and worked with DPT since 2010. The title of the finished report is "An overview of diabetes in pregnancy in the Counties Manukau District Health Board Area - June 2011". This work is part of a wider suite of collaborative initiatives by the DPT which includes a retrospective cohort study, looking at more than...
June 30, 2011Poster Presentation NZSSD 2011 - Retrospective Cohort study, diabetes in Pregnancy
Presentation of preliminary findings "A RETROSPECTIVE COHORT STUDY OF PATIENTS WITH DIABETES IN PREGNANCY, INVESTIGATING DELIVERY OUTCOMES AND FOLLOW UP". Sasini Wijayaratna, presented material from a study currently underway looking to evaluate the management and follow up of a group of women with diabetes in pregnancy in CMDHB. The aims were to identify then review progress of clinic attendees during 2006, examine delivery complications, and evaluate follow-up re...
May 6, 2011Evaluation of Gardens4Health April 2011
The Gardens4Health programme was started in 2008 as a community pilot called 'gardening for health and sustainability'. This was under the auspices of the Counties Manukau District Health Board as part of the Lets Beat Diabetes programme. In 2009 the programme came under the umbrella of Diabetes Projects Trust where it was re-developed for wider rollout and sustainability. An evaluation was commissioned in 2011 as part of the routine contract for service deliv...
April 29, 2011Ward team happy with their new wall display to promote healthy eating
Kate and Karen visited this ward at Middlemore Hospital to deliver a fat and sugar display to help the ward team prepare their patients to go home after admission with some good advice on a healthier lifestyle. Thanks Elham Hajji (bottom left) from Whitiora for making this happen ...
October 15, 2010Diabetes Projects Trust get their own space as the DHB team are on the move
Diabetes Projects Trust has been in the Alexander Crescent unit for 10 years, sharing premises (with much gratitude!), many discussions around the lunch table, and consultations and experiences with the CMDHB Whitiora Otara Diabetes Clinic team. Now the DPT get their own space as the Whitiora nurses, dietitian, podiatrist and other team members are on the move. Facilitated by DPT Board member, Caran Barratt-Boyes, the DHB team's new premises are in the MIT School of Nursing, just ove...
June 30, 2010Our Whakataukī, gifted by Kaumatua Bill Wiki
He aha te kai o te Rangatira? He Korero, he korero, he korero - What is the food of the leader? It is knowledge, it is communicationThis whakataukī, or important saying or proverb, is for use in the daily activities of Diabetes Projects Trust. It's a reminder of what the organisation stands for and how the team work in the community. Acknowledgement and appreciation to Bill Wiki and Caran Barratt-Boyes at the May 26, 2010 meeting of the Board of Trustees....
May 26, 2010Presentation NZSSD 2010 - Gardens4Health - a new initiative in Diabetes prevention
Taking the concept of gardening to improve health and prevent diabetes into a scientific diabetes conference. This presentation was written by Kate Smallman, Richard Main and Karen Pickering, and presented to the audience of clinicians, patients and others associated with diabetes in New Zealand at the 2010 New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes meeting. Download the full presentation in PDF form at the link below....
May 6, 2010Poster at NZSSD - Students should be an asset, but that's not how they are treated in health
This collaborative poster between MIT and Diabetes Projects Trust has been presented at the 2010 NZSSD conference. Our organisation thrives on working with students, they learn from us, we learn from them. We had a joint poster at the NZSSD conference describing nursing student concerns and experience as well as the literature around the topic. Poster by Karen Pickering, Diane Bermingham, Stefanie Johnston and Helen Scott.Abstract text below:A WORD ABOUT STUD...
March 4, 2010In the News - Board Member Dr Faye Clark leading by example
"It’s about completing not competing, it’s about getting fit and active and having fun," says DPT Board member Faye Clarke and well known GP (retired) around the Otara area. Faye is out showing others how to 'walk the talk' when it comings to being active for health after having been participating in duathlons around Auckland. There are some encouraging words of wisdom for those of us who are finding too many reasons not to get active in this article here by Nicola Williams for S...
February 10, 20102010 QSM for past Board Member and Otara stalwart Olivia James
Olivia James has been a familiar face and tireless worker around Otara and South Auckland for many years, more than 30 years it is reported. The announcement of a QSM in the 2010 New Year Honours list for services to the community is very well deserved.Diabetes Projects Trust experience with Olivia has been as a long term Board member, she resigned from role in 2005. On the Board, Olivia shared her deep understanding of the things that are important to local people and made val...
January 29, 2010Presentation NZSSD - Workplace Wellness 2009
Presentation taken to the NZSSD conference about the DPT Healthy Workplaces programme funded by Ministry of Health. Diane Bermingham, co-ordinator for the programme delivered this to good interest. Key observations made in the presentation included that chronic disease such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and asthma far exceeds accidents as the cause of reduced productivity. That addressing diet, physical activity, and smoking has the potential to reduce the rates of chron...
June 1, 2009Poster - Cook'n Kiwi - Middlemore Sciencefest 2009
Poster put together about the Cookn'Kiwi healthy eating on a budget programme and displayed at the 2009 Middlemore Sciencefest. Authors Karen Pickering, Kate Smallman, Lesley Sanderson. ...
May 29, 2009Poster - Healthy Tuckshop Model IDF 2009
This poster presented at the IDF in 2009. The Healthy Tuckshops framework story has been long on convoluted, with work starting in select schools in South Auckland in 2005 with a resource designed using best practice, research, and hard experience in the real world of local schools. Involved were the DHB, the Lets Beat Diabetes programme, and Diabetes Projects Trust. Within the story also came a change to guidelines for schools (National Administration G...
April 1, 2009Push-Play with Timmy
The team gets out in Otara with Timmy whenever they can as part of a collaborative initiative with the Council to increase activity during the day in the local area. Meeting up in the Town centre then heading off for a walk and some stretching. Who knew there was a spacious park-like area behind the rugby club, and the walkway along the river is a great place to escape to for a walk. Push-Play!...
March 31, 2009Diabetes and Prevention Resources
These resources are the result of collaboration with a range of people and organisations. Please see the details on the resource. Below are samples of posters for use in schools to support messages being provided by GetWize2Health healthy schools and other health promotion programmes (Lets Beat Diabetes supported), a comic format aimed at giving basic messages about a young boy with diabetes (Tama's big day), one pagers for preventing type 2 diabetes and basic healthy living tips with type...
November 12, 2008Schools Poster presented at Middlemore Science Fest
A poster describing the DIY schools programme was taken to the Middlemore Sciencefest, held at the Vodafone events centre, by Karen Pickering, Kate Smallman, Lama Saga and Rachel Rix-Trott. This programme has been delivered into 4 secondary schools for the last 4 years with funding from CMDHB, and to make it sustainable a DIY kit was designed with help from funding from MOH. It has been tested successfully and now in 9 schools, and been used as the basis for the Diabetes...
June 4, 2008Congratulations Kate on the People's Choice award at Science Fest!
Well done Kate Smallman on firstly getting a presentation accepted at the Counties Manukau Science Fest, this one on the newly released Shop for your Life DVD with resources in support, but also gaining the Peoples Choice award....
May 1, 2008Presentation at NZSSD 2008 - Three way collaboration between very different organisations
A presentation at NZSSD in Dunedin delivered by Karen as part of a collaborative effort between DPT, CCRep and MIT looking at bringing different skills to evaluation of existing programmes run by DPT.Abstract text:WHEN TERTIARY EDUCATION MEETS COMMUNITY SERVICE DELIVERY MEETS THE ARCANE ART OF RESEARCH Karen Pickering1, Diane Bermingham1, Kate Smallman1, Helen Scott2, Stuart Ryan31 Diabetes Projects Trust(DPT), 2 Manukau Institute of Technology (MIT), 3 Centre for Clinical Research and effe...
March 7, 2008NZSSD Posters for 2007
A successful trip to the NZSSD (New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes) conference for the DPT Team. Holding the posters, left to right, are Board members Henry Van der Heijden, John Baker, Pamela Tregonning, Tom Robinson, Faye Clark and Ngatai Smith. Two posters are on the schools programme GetWize2Health (cartoon work originals by artist Ant Sang), and one is on a train-the-trainer programme for health workers and health professionals. ...
June 13, 2007 Posts 201-225 of 238 | Page prev next